Hope Lutheran Preschool

Erin Katricak
Preschool Aide
Jackie Dennison
Preschool Teacher and Administrator
About Us
Classes are designed for children ages 3, 4, and 5. Our preschool is licensed and inspected annually by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
The program is a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church. As such it is governed by the Board of Directors of the congregation.
Hope Lutheran Church
Church Phone: (440)949-2620
Church Email: hopelutheransheffield@gmail.com
Bible Study Sunday at 8:30 A.M.
Worship Sunday at 9:30 A.M.
Enrollment Information
​Enrollment for the school year begins in early March.
For specific information about the program and the enrollment procedure call the preschool to make an appointment with the Administrator (440)949-2537.
Enrollment is on a first-come first-reserved basis. No class positions are held until the enrollment fees and documents have been received.
Non-Discrimination Policy
​Hope Lutheran Preschool does not discriminate in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, or any school program with regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.
Goals and Objectives
​The Ohio Department of Education has issued the Early Learning and Development Standards which set forth key concepts and skills that young people during the birth-to-five-year period. The standards provide a comprehensive and coherent set of expectations for children's development and learning. We utilize the standards as a guide for designing and implementing the curriculum and the day-to-day instructional methods used in the classroom.
Time With Jesus
Bible​ stories and application of their truths will help children develop a close and on-going relationship with God.
Language and Literacy Development
Children will be introduced to stories, poems, finger plays, etc., through the use of books, dramatic play, and multi-media.
Cognitive Development and General Knowledge
Children will learn to use tools such as scissors, crayons, pencils, paper, books, etc. They will also be introduced to math, science, social studies, and basic technology skills.
Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Activities and materials are utilized to help children improve coordination and body awareness.
Our Mission
God has created every child with unique and gifted potential to serve Him in His creation. We strive to provide a Bible-based foundation of learning and development that will set children on a Christian way of living and equip them to function in the world with integrity, compassion, and skill.
Preschoolers develop at an astounding pace in so many ways. It is in these early years that patterns, attitudes, personalities, and abilities emerge and influence the child's later years.
Effective guidance and teaching during these early years must involve the total child. Our goal is to assist parents in the guidance of their child as he/she matures intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually.
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